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Korean Study

Learning Korean Grammar(1) - Basic Korean Sentence Structure

by Precision Machinery 2023. 8. 20.

Korean sentences consist of either "a subject + predicate (verb)" or "a subject + object + predicate (verb)."

ex1) 데이비드가 와요

subject + predicate

David comes

ex2) 데이비드가 물을 마셔요

subject + object + predicate

David drinks water

Paricles are attached to words in Korean sentences. They express the role that thier respective words play in the sentence. After the subject of a sentence, the particle 이 or 가 is used. After an object, the particle 을 or 를 is used. And after an adverbial, the particle 에 or 에게 is used.

ex3) 데이비드 마셔요

subject + object + predicate

David drinks water

While the predicate of a Korean sentece always comes at the very end of the sentence, the order of subjects, objects, and adverbials chances depending on the intention of the speaker. Regardless of their order in the sentence, however, the role of each of these parts can still be identified becaues of the particle attached to it.

ex4) 물을 데이비드가 마셔요

object + subject + predicate

water David drinks

In addtion, when the subject can be clearly understood from the context, it can be omitted.

A 데이비드 뭐해요? What is David doing?

B (데비이드가) 물을 약간 마셔요. (He is) drinking some water


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