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Things to do in Busan (2) - Winery Enoteca Gusto The place to introduce now is Enoteca Gusto, located in Jeonpo-dong, Seomyeon, Busan. The name is seriously difficult, so we visited several times, but now we are just starting to remember the name. Enoteca gusto is expected to be a shop looking for wine in Italy, and as its name suggests, it is a restaurant with many types of natural wines. 에노떼까구스토 - Google Maps 에노떼까구스토 · 전포동 663-9번지 부산진구 부산광역시.. 2023. 8. 20.
Things to do in Busan (1) - Yeongdo Huinnyeoul Village As a representative tourist destination in Korea, Busan is famous for its various tourist attractions. You can enjoy a vacation at a hotel with a splendid appearance along Haeundae Beach, or you can find various restaurants such as pork soup, wheat noodles, and seafood that have been introduced in various media. However, the place I will introduce this time is Huinnyeoul Village in Yeongdo, whic.. 2023. 8. 20.
Learning Korean Grammar(2) - Conjugation of verb and adjectives According to politeness, tense, level, passive and causative forms, and speech styles, Korea verbs and adjectives are conjugated . Verbs and adjectives consist of word stem and word ending, with the base forms comprised of the word stem + -다. That form is nomarlly called the 'dictionary form'. Accordingly, a dictionary search for such words will reveal their base forms, such as 가다 (to go), 오다 (t.. 2023. 8. 20.
Learning Korean Grammar(1) - Basic Korean Sentence Structure Korean sentences consist of either "a subject + predicate (verb)" or "a subject + object + predicate (verb)." ex1) 데이비드가 와요 subject + predicate David comes ex2) 데이비드가 물을 마셔요 subject + object + predicate David drinks water Paricles are attached to words in Korean sentences. They express the role that thier respective words play in the sentence. After the subject of a sentence, the particle 이 or 가.. 2023. 8. 20.